Sunday, February 24, 2008

Operation Texas Surge

Next weekend, dozens of volunteers will be descending upon Texas. Teams from all over the country will be stationed in various cities across the Lone Star State.
We need your help!

A custom, aerial banner has been made available to us for use next week in Texas. We would like to schedule flyovers to coincide with Governor Huckabee's events. Flight time is $350/hour. If you would like to contribute to this effort, please use the PayPal donate button on the right.

There is also a need for help with volunteer food, gas, and lodging expenses. Please consider helping with this need by clicking on the appropriate button on the right. Every little bit helps and together we can win Texas!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

What else can you do?

If you live in a state that has already voted, please consider sending your leftover materials to upcoming states. You can also contribute to help pay shipping costs for used materials or to purchase new materials. There is a huge need for yard signs, bumper stickers, etc. If you would like to contribute, please email me.

Together we can make this happen!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Send a Soldier

If you are willing to help cover the financial needs of volunteers, please use the "donate" button on the right. If you live in Ohio or Texas and are willing to help provide lodging or meals for volunteers, please email me at with your contact and location information.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Be A Soldier

If you are interested in being a footsoldier, please email me the following information:

--Name and contact information
--Name of blog, Meetup group, or other information that can be used to identify you
--Where you are willing to help
--When you are willing to help
--Any special skills you have to offer

After review, your name will be placed on the soldier list. As funds become available, soldiers will be sent.

If you are willing to travel at your own expense to volunteer and need to be put in contact with a group, feel free to email me. I will do my best to get you in touch with a local Meetup Organizer.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Our Purpose

Welcome to Operation HuckaBoots.
We all know that many volunteers sacrificed to go to Iowa this week for the caucus. We would like to make it easier to put boots on the ground. Our purpose is to get troops on the ground as soon as possible in early primary states to represent Huck's Army. If you can't go, please consider sponsoring a footsoldier for Mike. Few can go, but many can send!
Soldier expenses will include travel expenses, lodging, meals, parking, etc.
You can contribute using the button on the right. All donations will be converted to Visa debit cards and sent to footsoldiers. All footsoldiers will be screened through local Meetup Organizers and the Huckaboots team.

Updates, pictures, and reports from the troops will be posted here.

More information will be available soon.

Please email any questions or suggestions to

Operation HuckaBoots is not sponsored or endorsed by the offical Mike Huckabee for President campaign.